Listen. Sketch.

Your ideas do the rest

Bring your content to life

As your Graphic Recorder, I aim to captivate your audience, engage your employees, and connect with clients through the art of visual storytelling. I specialize in identifying your crucial content and increasing it’s accessibility through vibrant illustration.

I can help you transform your concepts into clear, compelling visuals for various occasions—whether it's a keynote speech, your annual meeting, or the rollout of a new strategy. Visuals enhance your message and help you achieve your objectives

In person note-taking

Drawings created in real time, with simple words and pictures. Perfect for impressing and engaging audiences at meetings, conferences or focus groups


I work with your team to create drawings that explain complex ideas. The final digital artwork can be used for projection, printing, or decorating your office walls.

Fine Art Illustrations

Bringing your story, poem or essay to life with hand drawn digital or watercolour illustrations

Hello / Dia Dhuit

My name is Leah and I am an Irish illustrator and designer, who graduated from The University of Limerick. I aim to inject fun and modernity into my work, showcasing the diversity and richness of art from the Gaeltacht. I hope to connect people to stories from the Gaeltacht that inspire them to cherish and engage with our native tongue.

Leah is ainm dom, is ealaíontóir agus dearthóir Éireannach mé. Bhain mé Céim Onóracha Deartha amach in Ollscoil Luimnigh i 2022. An sprioc atá agam ná spraoi agus fuinneamh a léiriú i m’obair chun saibhreas agus uilíocht ár dteanga a chur chun cinn. Teastaíonn uaim nasc a cruthú idir daoine agus scéalta Gaeltachta, chun buíochas agus bród dár dteanga a spreagadh iontu.
